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How to Find Non-Toxic Flooring

How to Find Non-Toxic Flooring

You have a plethora of flooring material options, everything from natural stone to bamboo. Whether you're updating your home or building one, you have a wide range of flooring materials to choose from that are affordable, durable, and low in harmful VOCs (volatile organic compounds).

These non-toxic flooring materials will keep your family safe. Not only are they low in VOCs, but they are also environmentally sound and sustainable. The adage "as strong as an oak" has been around for ages because nothing beats natural, non-toxic flooring. If you want to find out more about these home flooring materials, keep reading.

Why Non-Toxic Flooring Matters

As the name suggests, these floors don't emit harmful vapours or chemicals into the air. They are often made of natural materials such as hardwood or natural stone. However, there are also manufactured materials that are not toxic. The key is to find the right ones for your home.

Reverting to non-toxic flooring means you support products that are farmed and harvested sustainably. These are the polar opposite of toxic floors produced in factories and treated with harsh chemicals. These chemicals leach into waterways and soil. If you're serious about being a steward of Mother Earth, non-toxic is the way to go.

Moreover, when toxic floors are installed in your home, you and your family become exposed to these same harsh chemicals. Those with allergies or asthma may experience respiratory issues. And even if you have no sensitivities, materials laden with chemicals are generally not good for you. That's why opting for a safer, non-toxic material is worth it.

How to Shop for Safe Flooring

When you're shopping for non-toxic flooring materials, look for the phrase non-VOC or no VOC. This means these products don't have excessively harmful chemicals. VOCs are man-made compounds often found in home cleaning products, paint, dry-cleaning agents, printer ink, markers etc. Though some products contain VOCs, they are at a low acceptable level. However, even small VOCs are concerning when it comes to floors because they cover a wide area indoors.

Exposure to excessive VOCs results in eye irritation, headaches, nausea, and respiratory issues. High levels of VOC exposure can lead to internal organ damage and cancer. Most products in the market don't have listed chemicals on their packaging. That's why you need to know what chemicals to watch out for. Talk to your specialist and inquire if flooring materials have any of the following:

  • Trichloroethylene
  • Methyl tert-butyl ether (MBTE)
  • Chloroform
  • Formaldehyde

Ask your flooring manufacturer for product certifications. Certificates prove that the flooring materials have been tested to have low VOCs or chemical emissions. When you see this, you can rest easy knowing these are the most non-toxic flooring choices in the market.

Why Invest in Non-Toxic Floor Materials?

Now that you know what VOCs are, discuss your options with a flooring specialist. They can guide you on what flooring materials work best with your home. The benefits of investing in these floors are:

  • Better Quality Air: When you install non-toxic floors, you can enjoy cleaner and fresher air. This means that the indoor air you breathe is safe.
  • Increase Home Value: Today's home buyers are more eco-savvy. They look for homes with natural materials that are sustainable and safe. If you have non-toxic floors, it could improve your home's total resale value.
  • Mitigate Health Issues: If you have allergies, asthma, or other respiratory issues, you can minimise symptoms with non-toxic flooring. Get peace of mind when you chill at home and sleep because you know you've got the safest flooring materials for your family.

The Best Non-Toxic Flooring Options

If you're shopping around, here are a few non-toxic flooring options. Look at these examples to assess if they are the right ones for your home.

  1. Hardwood

One of the safest flooring materials is hardwood, so it has been a prime flooring choice since time immemorial. When you look at historic houses, most have hardwood floors that have withstood the test of time. It's known for its durability and beauty. Cherry, oak, walnut, or mahogany timbers don't have harsh VOCs since they come from the earth.

  1. Laminate

Laminate is another popular choice since it's affordable and comes in many finishes. Watch out for certifications if you're conscious about safety and toxicity. You're bound to find laminates that live up to your design scheme. This engineered flooring is made of composite wood and mimics the look of hardwood.

  1. Natural Stone

Natural tiles like limestone, honed marble, granite, and slate won't emit gases that contribute to your home's indoor air pollution. These stones have an all-natural composition, making them naturally non-toxic. However, note that some materials have a glaze. You must talk to your flooring specialist to ascertain if your stone choices have harsh VCOs.

  1. Bamboo

The bamboo tree is abundant in nature. It can weather the harshest storms, so manufacturers morphed bamboo into a beautiful flooring material. Bamboo planks come in diverse styles, making them a sound option for your design needs. Most of all, they are naturally low in VCOs. Bamboo flooring is an affordable and resilient product that won't harm your health.

Finding a suitable non-toxic material for your floors takes time. But it will be worth it to shop around because the safest floors will make a big difference. If you have questions, call our team. Be sure to peruse our gallery and contact us today.

Check out this article for some additional ideas!

A Guide to Buying Non-Toxic Flooring for Your Home

If you’re looking into buying new flooring for your home, there’s a plethora of options to choose from ranging from natural bamboo and stone tile to carpet and vinyl. If you’re wondering whether you can buy flooring that’s durable, affordable, and low VOC, the answer is absolutely!

Choosing non-toxic flooring will keep your family safe, and it’s also a more eco-friendly and sustainable choice. Check out this helpful guide that explains the ins and outs of buying non-toxic flooring for your home.

The term non-toxic flooring refers to materials that don’t emit harmful chemicals or vapors that can get into the air, causing humans and pets to breathe in these dangerous components. Most non-toxic flooring includes all-natural materials like hardwood or tile made of natural stone. However, there are some synthetic, man made flooring options that are non-toxic, too. The key is to understand how to identify these types of flooring so you’re making the right choice for your home.

